Island Man
JoinedPosts by Island Man
A few facts to ponder
by Nitty-Gritty ini have been in correspondence recently with silentambs and a few interesting things have been highlighted.
some of you may know, that bill bowen has twice tried to get the fbi involved in investigating child molestation issues in the jws org.
this is what he said to me, i quote: we have reported to the fbi on two occasions and were rebuffed due to them not wishing to get involved with a religion.
Island Man
I think the OP just broke the JWN record for the most thumbs down. -
How much was Christ's ransom sacrifice? Equal to Adam?
by jonathan dough inhow much was the ransom?
gods justice did not require an exact equivalent man-for-man sacrifice between the first adam and jesus, the second adam.
gods gift required more.
Island Man
If memory serve me right wasn't Jesus pretty much beaten to a pulp by the Romans before being crucified? How can Jesus be a sacrifice in such a condition in light of Deuteronomy 17.1:
You shall not sacrifice to the Lord your God an ox or a sheep that has any defect of a serious kind, for that is abhorrent to the Lord your God.I think Watchtower's response to that would be something like:
Evidently, Jesus' sacrifice began, in a sense, from the start of his mistreatment after his arrest. Jesus sacrifice was not limited to his death on the stake but includes his suffering leading up to his death. At the start of his suffering - the start of his sacrifice - he was physically sound in every respect. Thus any disfiguring wound Jesus had before his actual execution do not disqualify his body from being a suitable offering to Jehovah, since these wounds were inflicted as part of the process of the sacrifice.
Another Shocking clip From JW Australia Royal investigation Elder would not report MURDER
by Watchtower-Free in
Island Man
I have a theory. Remember how that elder said he doesn't read the news and wasn't familiar with the work of the Royal Commission. Well, what if . . . none of these elders realize that their testimony is being streamed to the public? What if they think that the proceedings are being done in a clandestine way - like in a JW judicial committee? lol
I think that best explains the shocking, embarrassing honesty with which the elders expose their foolish extremist positions. They think no one outside the commission is watching and so the public wouldn't know of their ugly extremism.
It's a great time to be alive: 'Star Trek Impulse Drive' works and could get us to the moon in 4 hours. Mars in 70 days.
by cappytan inyes, star trek impulse drive was click bait.
but this british designed engine has been compared to that.. interplanetary travel could be a step closer after scientists confirmed that an electromagnetic propulsion drive, which is fast enough to get to the moon in four hours, actually works.. .
the em drive was developed by the british inventor roger shawyer nearly 15 years ago but was ridiculed at the time as being scientifically impossible.. .
Island Man
The problem with this technology would be getting a feasible source of electricity to power the drive. At present, solar cells are a very inefficient means of energy conversion, where a only a minor percentage of the light is converted to electricity. -
JWs trying hard to hide in obscurity right now
by Zoos inon other discussion boards where active jws participate i notice them deflecting questions about the royal commission in australia by bringing up child abuse statistics of other churches, ostensibly to demonstrate that there is nothing news worthy to see here... "move along!".
they are trying to make this story disappear into obscurity, irrelevance, as if it's just part and parcel of big institutional life, particularly of the religious nature.
oh, now they compare themselves to every other religion on the block?.
Island Man
That Texas billboard about child abuse - it couldn't have been put up at a more opportune time -
Royal Commission....don't worry it will not go away...
by umbertoecho ini need to let you know that here in australia the royal commission is alive and well.
people are aware of it and whilst it may not be on the front page of your newspaper, it will end up there at some stage.
although the elders are trying to squirm out of any culpability they are inevitably high jacked by their own arrogant assertions when they start to feel a degree of safety and ease in the questioning.
Island Man
In the video feeds of the commission, I believe the pretty femme blond in the background is working with the JW elders' lawyer. The expressions on her face at various stages tell volumes! LOL. -
Baiting Dubs for fun and amusement
by TerryWalstrom injw: "wha-a-a-t?
mormon: "okay.
other jw: "that's just .
Island Man
"I'm trying to figure out how this conversation got started. Mormons do NOT drink coffee or "strong drink" so, I'm wondering if they were just sitting in the shade outside resting from the hundred-degree heat when the JW's started rumblin'
What struck me was how prepared the Mormon missionaries were for the witnesses and how unprepared the JW's were for the Mormons."I have a theory, Terry. Those Mormons, like you, realized that that local Starbucks is a nexus for JWs and so they did advanced preparation with the view to Witnessing to the JWs. That is what I firmly believe.
Those Mormons probably heard the news of the JW pedophile investigation in Australia and figured there would be more vulnerable JWs at this time so they decided to launch a proselytizing attempt on JWs at the local Starbucks. lol. Like you were saying, why else would Mormons be hanging around a coffee shop?
Biblical Proof that JW Elders can not have Jehovah's or Jesus Spirit
by GodZoo insomething just occured to me.. like a lightening bolt in fact.
matthew 10:19 just popped into my head... new american standard bible 18 and you will even be brought before governors and kings for my sake, as a testimony to them and to the gentiles.
19 "but when they hand you over, do not worry about how or what you are to say; for it will be given you in that hour what you are to say.
Island Man
I think Matthew 10:19 also explains why the elders did no advanced preparation by acquainting themselves with the work of the commission. LOL. -
If Disfellowshipping pedophiles protects the congregation, what does it do for "Those Outside" they are expelled to?
by Wasanelder Once inwe all know the wt basis for disfellowshipping, (1 corinthians 5:9-13) 9 12 for what do i have to do with judging those outside?
do you not judge those inside, 13 while god judges those outside?
remove the wicked [man] from among yourselves.. if removing "the man" is a protection for the congregation and no police are called, what does it say about the witnesses view of the world?
Island Man
Do you think we will ever see a JW broadcast where a member of the GB comes clean and says: "Brothers, we have sinned . . ." ? -
Governing body deceiving members on purpose?
by wwjdnwt ini was born into this religion.
i was a jw for well over 30 years.
i did much research before i had internet, i compared bibles and prayed deeply to help me to know if this was the truth.
Island Man
"@ calebinFloroda:...your comparisons to imperial Japan, isis and nazism would ring truer if it were not for the governing body/fds conjuring ' new light ' which nullifies their previous ideologically held belief systems. Your comparitive examples strictly held or hold to their ideologies to the death."
I disagree. "New Light" not withstanding, the JWs do have a core unchanging ideology which may be summarized as this:
The JW organization is God's organization which one must always be loyal and obedient to. To disagree with or criticize the organization is to disagree with or criticize Jehovah. To leave the organization is to leave Jehovah. Only members of the organization are true christians approved by God. Association with the organization is essential to having God's approval and any valid hope of escaping destruction at Armageddon.
There might be a few other core, unchanging aspects of the JW theology that I missed, but what I've written above is the essence of it. The "new light" changes are minor secondary teachings that aren't really part of the core ideology of JWism.